Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A Word for God's Sake

Abraham came to see Ares, and while they were sitting together, a brother came and asked Ares, "Tell me, what must I do to be saved?"

The hermit said, "Go, eat bread and salt every evening for a whole year, then come back, and I will talk to you again."

So, the brother went away and did so, and at the end of a year came again to see Ares. By chance, Abraham was with him again. This time Ares said to the brother, "Go, fast for a year, and eat every second day."

When he had gone, Abraham said to Ares, "Why, when you put a light yoke on all the brothers, have you laid such a grievous burden on this brother?"

Ares replied, "Other brothers come to ask questions and go away just as they came. But this brother comes to hear a word for God's sake, and he is one who works hard for the Lord and takes the greatest trouble to do whatever I tell him. That is why I speak the word of God to him."

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